
Ceramic dipper juglet, featuring slightly inturned pinched rim, with side pinched in to form a spout, tall narrow concave neck flaring in towards junction with ovoid body, the lower part of which is missing. Traces of a vertical loop handle from rim to shoulder, oval in section. Sandy moderately well levigated yellowish buff fabric, covered with a light brown slip, covered with brown painted decoration ext. consisting of a horizontal line around edge of rim with vertical lines pendant from it; a shorter thicker similar group at base of the neck, then on the shoulder, below the handle base, groups of five fine parallel lines around circumference, two thicker lines with a zigzag between, then a group of five parallel lines below, with a single line further down body. Vertical hand burnishing ext. Levantine Painted ware.

Material: ceramic
Place: Tell el-'Ajjul (Palestinian Authority / Western Asia Levant)
Context: Stratum II, Area AY
Context period: Middle Bronze III - Late Bronze I
rim length: 39 mm
rim width: 22 mm
maximum diameter: 79 mm
height: 153 mm

Field collector: Petrie, William Matthew Flinders
Acquisition source: Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, British School of Archaeology in Egypt
Other object numbers: 51G (Type Reference)

Petrie, W.M.F., 1931, Ancient Gaza I, pl. XLVII, left of 51G2, not numbered.
Tubb, J.N. 1983. "The MBIIA Period in Palestine: Its Relationship with Syria and its Origin", Levant 15, fig. 1.5.